Bobby Fischer

The objective of this article is comparativily to analyze the conflituosa interaction between language, thought and relationship and the paper of the psicopedagogia as element-key to conciliate this adversity and to transform the critical conditioning into way for the pedagogical development. To illustrate this dilemtica relation, that carries out the target of this article, it was chosen as catalytic element the American chess player Robert James Fischer, known as Bobby Fischer, the only American world-wide champion of chess, considered for some as the chess greater of all the times, that exactly concentrate in itself some characteristics of the above-mentioned psicopedaggica tension tripartite. One another factor for this choice is the proper game of chess, that has been presented as tool for didactic-pedagogical aid in the schools of Brazil and other places of the world. The theoretical base for the present work is in the workmanships, fellow creatures with respect to the cognitiva formation, The language and thought of the child and moral The judgement of the child of Jean 2 Piaget and Though and Language de Lev Semenovitch 3 Vygotsky, being that these first ones enclose the psicopedaggico target. A bibliography auxiliary also will be used as instrumentalizao for the subject of the work through authors as Lcia Santaella 4 and the bigrafo Frank 5 Brady, that it will help to en vogue contextualizar details of the multifaceted development of Bobby Fischer in relation with the problem pointed for the article. The research starts with a theoretical historical briefing on the relation between thought, language and relationship, moreover, has a description on the chess game and its acceptance in the schools of Brazil and the world, subsequentemente is introduced the player of Bobby chess Fischer, its declaration, its relationship with the professors and, later, its social interaction in a generalized manner until its death in 17 of January of 2008.

Last Modified on March 26, 2020
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