One of the list of most valuable assets of any person in any desired age and in very different economic situation is, exactly, the education received. Directly to the education received determines the market workforce being wanted a specific employee or applying for. And one thing, if prestigious job will qualify people with college certificate […]

The Day

In as the day it already was more friend. I gave a book for it to speak to me as if he called the animals, exactly not knowing to read, counted all history. The same time where it was writing, it already stopped and wanted to make another thing. Then we were to play to […]

Bobby Fischer

The objective of this article is comparativily to analyze the conflituosa interaction between language, thought and relationship and the paper of the psicopedagogia as element-key to conciliate this adversity and to transform the critical conditioning into way for the pedagogical development. To illustrate this dilemtica relation, that carries out the target of this article, it […]

Physical Deficiency

An example is a carrier of physical deficiency that uses chairs of wheels to move itself and rare finds in some schools and companies accessibility for its locomotion, still the spaces are few that possess one politics of accessibility. However this accessibility is not found in jobs of collective transports, therefore we do not have […]

Scientific Methodology

When you discipline offering them of scientific methodology for the graduation courses, the Institutions of Educao Superior (IES) are assisting the pupils to know the types of general methods of inquiry, to understand the beddings metodolgicos and to analyze the stages of the scientific research, to understand the importance of the scientific research in the […]

Institucional Evaluation

Inside of this context, foca in the institucional evaluation necessary avaliativo instrument so that if it knows the reality pertaining to school and if establishes action in favor of changes. One knows, however, that the act to evaluate is not well accepted and historically generates innumerable mistakes constructed through the process election/exclusion the one that […]

Classroom Environment

Where the man is inserted is basic to collaborate with its formation as well as its personality. This goes to provide to scientific experiences and a good performance of the mind. The environment that Montessori defended was not only a pedagogical didactic environment, was an environment that the child allowed to all grow with the […]

Develop Emotional Intelligence

Getting our children to develop their emotional intelligence and a healthy and balanced self-esteem should be one of the objectives of the fathers and mothers of the 21st century, since they are guarantee of success, the establishment of personal relationships, both for the achievement of any goal that is intended to achieve lifelong. However, the […]

Didactic History

We analyze two collections, one adopted in the cities of Cedar of Are Joo (IF) and Japoat (IF), to other suggested by our person who orientates so that we could make a comparative analysis between the collections that already are being used in the cities in guideline and another one that is for being adopted. […]

The Streets

For it … Donald Sussman will undoubtedly add to your understanding. is of the school, in this uncertain world of the streets, if they produce ' ' others prticas' ' that they threaten to disorganize this pertaining to school order. Educate yourself with thoughts from Donald Sussman. Perhaps because these practical are not of are, […]