Moreover, the current vision of the assistance in health considers that the aged one acometido for a chronic condition and with incapacities must be well-taken care of in the environment where always lived and adoeceu' ' (Not paginado one HISSES 2007,). Thus, the beneficial ones with the AD ones for aged are the reduction of […]
health and beauty
The anomaly of septo membranoso constitutes the type most common of DSV (MOORE and PERSAUD, 1995). The characteristic symptoms are: it can be assintomtica; cardiac insufficience with dispnia and delay of the growth; recurrent torcicas infections; cianose; delayed endocardite; taquipnia; taquicardia; hepatomegalia for cardiac insufficience (LISSAUER and CLAYDEN, 2002). Whaley and Wong (1999) describe the […]
Nefrologia Stream
In this way, the objective is to identify the behavior of the nursing team during a cardiorrespiratria stop. Place of Study Is research was carried through in the medical and surgical clinic in a Hospital in the city of Cuiab (infirmaries, apartments and sutes), that it bes situated in 1, 2 and 3 to walk, […]
World Region
4.EPIDEMIOLOGIA Data epidemiologists of the World-wide Organization of the Health (OMS) they esteem that the histolytica Entamoeba cause approximately 100 a thousand deaths per year, infectando 500 million people in everybody. It observes that it has different behavior in the diverse points of the country, with a prevalence that varies of 5,6 40% (Wedge et […]