Chronic Health Conditions

Moreover, the current vision of the assistance in health considers that the aged one acometido for a chronic condition and with incapacities must be well-taken care of in the environment where always lived and adoeceu' ' (Not paginado one HISSES 2007,). Thus, the beneficial ones with the AD ones for aged are the reduction of the hospital costs, the reduction of the risk of hospital infection, in house rare develop ulcers of decubituses or urinria infection, consequently to provide the maintenance with aged in the familiar nucleus and the increase of the quality of life of the aged ones and the familiar ones, standing out that its proper residence offers to security and protection to the way, diminishing or same preventing its reinternao the hospital level or to put in a home. In the implementation of the AD ones in the field of the gerontologia, the professionals must focar the aged one, the family criteriosamente, domiciliary context and main the familiar cuidador, understanding that the aged one is only person, inserted in its familiar and social context interacting with it continuously, leading in account who the full knowledge of its real domiciliary situation guides a complete and efficient evaluation of the demand of cares required by the aged one, which will have to focus the biopsicossociais aspects and spirituals (DUARTE; DIOGO, 2005, p.10-11). The family is the scene of important structure for the aged ones, meaning protection and care, however for some she can mean oppression and maltreatment, therefore the evaluation to the aged one, for the health professionals, must exactly add the identification of people who come to play a familiar role, without kinship, that can be enclosed in its care (FERNANDES, FRAGOSO, 2005, 178). 8. ILLNESSES THAT ACOMETEM AGED IN DOMICILIARY INTERNMENT the average of permanence of aged in hospitals is related the more common disgnostic cincos: the cardiac insufficience congestiva, acute Infarto of the myocardium, pneumonia, cerebral vascular accident and breakings caused for falls.