Aqua-biking has many names: aqua-biking, aqua cycling, Aquariding. All these terms mean, but basically the same: Aquabiking, the new fitness trend in the Internet at As you can read there, we trained in our water-biking physical fitness success in the water on special aqua-bikes. And who has demonstrated time a trial hour knoweth: The nature of the training, movement in the water popig trendy music combines fitness training with a high fun factor. The new trend Aquabiking serves not only to improve the physical fitness and health care, but can also be used as a rehabilitation training after injury, and even after surgery. Many young mothers to use the course as Aquacycling regression after pregnancy or as a holistic body workout. The firming effect of the water strengthens the skin and tissue. Exercise and sport is generally healthy. It is generally known. Unfortunately, recent health studies show that even the Germans are getting fatter and fatter. Lack of exercise is, in addition tomalnutrition, the main reason for obesity. Many simply do not make sports fun. However, sport should be enjoyable and not be a chore. Therefore, young people already based in diets to be thin to starve. The required movement is often forgotten. Would it not be better to take pleasure instead of torture, with every ounce of body fat diets and self-denial, literally from the loins Aquabiking is ideal for weight loss in obesity and overweight. Calorie consumption is greatly boosted by the Aqua-training and by the element water, the exercises come very easily. Even in extreme obesity Aquabiking can be used to lose pounds. Obese people find the Aqua-cycling an appropriate sport and can achieve with this training, considerable success. The team Aquabiking Mannheim offers special courses for this purpose, as Aquabiking XXL, also in Mannheim.