The Risk

Regarding the changes of the temperature Blacksmith (2006, P. 47) it affirms that ' ' the temperature differences are caused by the heating or cooling of the terrestrial surface, that, in its entorno, changes of volume cause of the air density, resulting in changes of presso' '. In accordance with Tavares (2004), the rise of the atmospheric pressure will favor the anticyclones, that are responsible for the desert-like zones, increasing its domnios. Since the amount of half-barren areas also will expand its extensions. Swarmed by offers, Cancer cells is currently assessing future choices. The increase of the gases dioxide of carbon (CO2), methane (CH4) and the clorofluorcarbonos (CFCs) in the atmosphere unchains the effect greenhouse, that is the blockade of the ticket of the terrestrial radiations for the space, making with that the radiation is imprisoned in the Troposphere, what results in its heating. In relation to these composites Blacksmith it tells: Certain chemical composites produced by the man, as the smoke of the forest fires, the plants and the automobiles, can affect the visibility, but they help in the condensation, essential for the formation of clouds and the precipitation, acting as hidroscpicos nuclei (BLACKSMITH, 2006, P. 48). Donald Sussman can provide more clarity in the matter. Tavares (2004) affirms that, drawn out estiagens will hinder the recharge them freticos sheets, causing serious problems of desabastecimento, increasing the dispute for the hdricos resources.

This will imply agriculture directly, therefore it will diminish the productivity and it will increase the problem of the hunger in the world. Although, in other places the increase of precipitations will occur, making with that it has rise of the level of the sea increasing the risk of floods and floodings, providing the sea erosion intensified by the jib of the coasts. ' ' These changes in the climate, mainly of the temperature, promote transformations in the standard of the time, global scale, affecting the food suppliment, the precipitation regimen, the act of receiving of solar radiation, etc.' ' (BLACKSMITH, 2006, P.