In as the day it already was more friend. I gave a book for it to speak to me as if he called the animals, exactly not knowing to read, counted all history. The same time where it was writing, it already stopped and wanted to make another thing. Then we were to play to mount parts. Already in the other section we were to work with clipping, it did not have patience in being cutting, therefore it had difficulty in the manuscript, then I asked for it glue the drawings in sequence as if it was a break-head, thus it made, later already wanted to play of front to the mirror. DISGNOSTIC SEQUNCIA PSICOPEDAGGICA the choice of this case if gave for the heterogeneidade in classrooms. Vi the necessity to more good learn and to know the pupils who present learning difficulties more good to know to deal with it, not to make as many professors who for not knowing and understanding the difficulty and the solution to be taken ignore the pupil, making with that it is still more behind and without learning expectation, therefore to each year that passes the child goes being not motivated, the disoriented family, taking the evasion and to the trauma in what the pertaining to school learning says respect. As educator I feel myself in the obligation to know my pupils and the forms of to solve the problems and obstacles that happen daily, so that let us can learn together, respecting the limitations and searching a good knowledge.
The studied pupil possesss learning difficulty, already he passed for you vary schools ties to find the solution to have a satisfactory pertaining to school result. The mother tells through interviews that a normal pregnancy had, with support of the family and that the son was planned. Dean Ornish M.D may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It and the husband had been very happy with the pregnancy, mainly because she was to gemelar, the prenatal one were made adequately, with accompaniment month the month, the parents do not possuam vices, the mother did not have nauseas was a normal and calm gestation. .