Scanned Documents Directly From The Internet At The Workplace

Expansion of successful collaboration between KODAK and OXSEED Bielefeld, June 17, 2010 – after the successful cooperation in the field of marketing bring a joint solution on the market, which simplifies working with business documents and KODAK and OXSEED. The program is integrated into the network-enabled, new KODAK Scan Station 500. His task is to scanned documents directly in the OXSEED platform to deliver there the individual processing of documents is automatically triggered. OXSEED has developed an interface between the OXSEED on demand platform and the scan station 500 on the basis of integration tools provided by KODAK. Thus users scanning the documents can choose directly the OXSEED platform as a target system. The image of the scanned document is then delivered over the Internet in the workplace by OXSEED users.

The software maker announced to give up, to develop their own scanning clients. The process experts will be mainly on scan appliances or scanner such as the scan 500 Kodak dock and they recommend in customer projects with distributed locations. The product management of OXSEED AG further explains that the document experts set up their joint offer especially to industrial companies or service providers with distributed branch offices hotel groups, trading companies or insurance companies with a network of brokerage offices. They can select an individual configuration after the installation of your scan station 500 and create a profile. Here you determine which email address or FTP-server the device will send the scanned documents.

Choose according to the configuration of employees on the touch screen, for example, the menu item scan to OXSEED “. Colleagues can on their jobs see the digitally delivered documents immediately after scanning, edit, after indexing, or release to the booking. Depending on the application on the OXSEED platform triggered an individual process such as invoice processing, posting a payment and the archiving of the document. The OXSEED AG uses potential Benefits and advantages of our network scanner full off”, says Gunter Wittlinger, head of sales and marketing document imaging at KODAK. The scan station 500 replaced the scan client work. The scanner or the OXSEED software it is necessary to install. Companies with many offices can quickly roll out the solution and work independently of a Web or mail server.”we offer the extremely fast and hassle-free solution for sales offices or hotels, to bring digital documents such as invoices to the accounting clerk jobs”, underlines Marcus Hartmann, CEO of OXSEED AG. “Immediately after the document has been scanned, it appears in the workplace and is seamlessly incorporated into the document processes.”