Public Health Ethics

Summary Since century XVIII, the genetic aconselhamento search its space in the society and the governmental bodies. What it is wanted is to clarify facts, data, studies, aiming at the welfare of all a generation. For this, professional of the area, studious and all interested community search inside of its real conditions and values the pautada truth inside of ethics, that oscillate between omitting and clarifying what it can come to happen with one definitive family. The bibliographical survey is important for diffusion of the works that are in progress, helping to all a population to question the social, moral, ethical values, so that the welfare of the added human being to the technologies and the existing paradigms in Brazil can well be treated and be decided. Words key: Genetic Aconselhamento, Ethical in the Public health abstract Since 18th century, the genetic counseling seeks its place in society and in government agencies. What we want is you clarify facts, dates, studies, aiming at the welfare of an entire generation. It will be this, professionals, scholars and all interested community demand within to their current conditions and values based in the truth of an ethic, which you creak between omit and clarify what might happen with certain family. The literature is important will be dissemination of works that ploughs underway, helping an entire population you question the social, moral, ethical, will be the welfare of human beings and technologies added you the existing paradigms in Brazil you be treated well and resolved. Key words: Genetic Counseling, Public Health Ethics