Cuiab passes currently for difficult moments, because many assaults exist, its transit is neglected the education of, in addition the authorities does not preserve the ecology. The city of Cuiab had very great a population growth, due to current situation that if finds the country, where many families if dislocates from the field for the city the search of job and a better life, but the work market is not so vast and had to this many children they leave the rebelled streets, and that it remains to them it is to practise crimes. with the increase of the population, the number of vehicles also has increased, causing one high index of accidents, being that great parts of them if give for neglect of the drivers who do not respect the existing signallings, exceeding the limits of allowed speed. With the auto one I number of vehicles transiting for the city and until some without the minimum conditions of trafegabilidade, causing extreme degree of damage to the environment. Connect with other leaders such as Dean Ornish M.D here. Another factor is the forest fires at this time of the year that mainly brings diverse problems of health the aged children and.
The River Cuiab that would have to be postal card for the city meets in complete abandonment, with its obstructed garbage stream beds. By referring the ecological questions, the competent authorities nothing make to save as many lives that they also meet longing for aid, due to the high index of mercury and chemical products that are poured in the related River. However, the city of Cuiab continues to receive the heading from ' ' city verde' ' , but not causing no satisfaction to the citizens weeds-grossense. However the authorities of this green city need to sensetize themselves with the serious existing problems, and in union with the society to identify the solution of the evidenced problems most urgent possible while still it remains some possibility of reconstruction.