
The anomaly of septo membranoso constitutes the type most common of DSV (MOORE and PERSAUD, 1995). The characteristic symptoms are: it can be assintomtica; cardiac insufficience with dispnia and delay of the growth; recurrent torcicas infections; cianose; delayed endocardite; taquipnia; taquicardia; hepatomegalia for cardiac insufficience (LISSAUER and CLAYDEN, 2002). Whaley and Wong (1999) describe the fisiopatologia: Because of the biggest pressure inside of the left ventricle and because the sistmica arterial circulation offers more resistance of what the pulmonary circulation, the flow if of the one through the defect for the interior of the pulmonary artery. The biggest volume of blood is pumped for the interior of the pulmes what eventually it can result in bigger pulmonary vascular resistance. Easy diagnosis with eletrocardiograma and normal radiological study or little modified is proven by the ecocardiograma having shown a well lesser defect of what aorta and high gradient between the two ventricles, evidencing the normality of the pressure in the right ventricle (DAUDT, 2004). Medicamentosa therapy with the diurticos, the comumente used ones are furosemida or a espirololactona tiazida one and. More recently it has if used inhibitors of the converting enzyme of the angiotensina (ECA) in combination with the diurticos (LISSAUER and CLAYDEN, 2002). Tetralogia de Fallot One is about a combination of four cardiac anomalies, consisting of: (1) estenose pulmonary, (2) Defect of septo ventricular, (3) acavalamento of aorta and (4) right ventricular hipertrofia (GUYTON, 2002).

The symptoms are characterized by fast increase of cianose, in general associated to irritability or cry inconsolvel due to intense, dispnia hipxia and pallor in virtue of acidose tecidual (LISSAUER and CLAYDEN, 2002). Guyton (2002) it tells that: It is proven readily that the main physiological difficulty caused by the tetralogia of Fallot is the shunting line of the blood stops beyond the pulmes, without if becoming oxigenado. Up to 75% of the venoso blood that returns to the heart can pass directly of the right ventricle for inside of aorta, without being oxigenado. . Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Preventive Medicine Research Institute by clicking through.