– Dynamic Lines or wrinkles of expression: as its name indicates, they are the derived ones from the movement of face muscles of the expression, are mainly located in the part superior of the face. They begin to appear around the 30 years. – Gravitational Lines: they are those that appear as a result of the action of the gravity on weaves. They predominate in the part inferior of the face. They arise as of the 40 years.
Within the dynamic lines or wrinkles of expression, the muscular tone is vitally important. The lines of expression that first begin to mark themselves are the derived lines of the expression, especially in the third superior of the face, as they are it the wrinkles of the external angle of orbicular of the eyes. Rooster legs are famous which are accentuated when laughing. Also they are the horizontal wrinkles of the forehead and the Inter-ciliary wrinkles that form you fold in entrecejo. Studying the anatomy of the patient and considering the three signs of the face aging, we can do an idea to us of how obtaining an optimal aesthetic result. In the treatment against the aging, several steps are due to follow, generally settles down a treatment of preventive type, to which later they will go away to him introducing modifications, based on the needs of the patient. The preventive treatment must like objective correct the dehydration and moulting, avoid or diminish the cutaneous spots, to regenerate the epidermis and to prevent the formation with wrinkles. A suitable well-taken care of face protection and routine become indispensable for the profit of these objectives. The first signs of aging are the tired aspect and ajado of the skin, together with the increase of the lines of expression in the forehead, entrecejo and around the eyes.