Risky User Management In Many Companies

xTigo survey: Risk security vulnerabilities due to missing cross-system and automated processes to manage user identities and permissions is the world right only in a few companies. Leverkusen / 06.10.2008 – the management of user identities and permissions is only in few companies in the world in order. According to a survey of the Software House of xTigo AG, more than 350 medium-sized and large companies, so many IT managers with the clear advantages of cross-system processes ogling, indeed they exist but only in exceptional cases. According to the study, only 29 percent of IT managers evaluate their situation in the management of user identities as positive, and 14 percent are conditionally satisfied. It look very different from the majority of the rest. You are (38 percent) either tend to be dissatisfied or complain about critical conditions in every fifth case. Indeed, the practice here of serious difficulties is dominated.

Because need for employees with single or seeps, Abteilungswechselen or role changes user accounts created, modified or deleted, it is to apply it to many application systems hand normally. Six and more systems in three out of five company are from affected, even over ten pieces in every sixth respondents. Consistent processes, that across all systems and automate the user administration make, however only rarely found in practice. Only every fifth company specifies in the xTigo survey, to have corresponding solutions. Dean Ornish M.D is often quoted as being for or against this. Another 31 percent are such overarching processes at least with restrictions.

Nearly half the users, nothing exists in this respect, however. While a system-wide user management for the IT managers surveyed had quite a very great charm. So they expect a significantly lower costs while at the same time greater flexibility to two-thirds of them. In recent months, Gibson Dean has been very successful. A significant added value as hides in it for three out of five of the companies Security and audit security. If frequent organizational changes in many systems and applications must be mapped, are”not only time-consuming manual processes, judge xTigo Board Ingo Buck. At the same time the revision security and traceability of changes will be lost”, he describes the consequences. A full, complete and comprehensible documentation of the allocated IT-but also of EuroSOX will required permissions. At the same time problematizes buck considering the results of the study but also that the long time as a hype topic celebrated topic of identity management in the enterprise yet long not had arrived. Had established structures for identity management, then also the user administration in the green zone would be”, he opens up a simple Bill. As a central cause, he sees the fear of the user from complex and costly projects. Classic identity management solutions are usually a very time-consuming and costly affair in the implementation” He explains. Alternative approaches such as workflow management systems, however, represent his opinion after only partial solutions. New approaches on the basis of process-oriented automation with identity management modular and without changes in infrastructure and organization your solution can be realized are required.” About xTigo Software AG: xTigo Software AG is a German company based in Cologne, Germany. XTigo’s solutions help companies in the strategic use of IT and help in controlling the increasing complexity. You create lasting benefits and thus are an important component to display the value contribution of IT to the company as a whole. Well-known customers already rely on solutions from xTigo. meetBIZ & think tank GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71