To find the natural way of how gain weight and muscle mass, without having to resort to artificial supplements that are always reasons for consultation medical before a self-induced and risky exposure of them; We can choose the choice right in the variety of diets for weight gain. If we apply the glycemic index of foods to eat can get them good contributions to gain muscle mass, then the best way to obtain benefits in our physical appearance consist of eating in greater numbers these in addition to aerobics for a positive outcome. High Glycemic Mielplatanosuvazanahoriamanzanascereal food integralNaranjFrutas and some vegetables low rice Glycemic food blancoCereales, Manipan centenoAlubiasPapas Cocidaslacteosmaiz, trigoMermeladas taking as a reference table of examples of foods according to blood glucose level have that you persons who wish to raise its weight, them should eat those who have low levels since they will thus remain much more time in the organism and the reserves of glycogen to remain intact as the carbohydrates we eat to avoid body to remove the power of muscles, the high-level and Glycemic serious for those who wish to otherwise i.e. lose it. Now to understand how to gain weight and muscle mass is not commit the blunder of filled with anything because but make our weight in favour of fat and has an impact on the sagging and little aesthetics which is what we don’t want to happen; just us, eat together both types of carbohydrates, but in greater proportion in the second group which without doubt are of exquisite taste, if you know prepare and combine with others forming different diets for weight gain. . In addition to contain within our scheme of power 15% protein to maintain glycogen reserves and raise them, in this way we can win kilos but coming from fat rather than muscle tissue is accomplished if it is eaten things fried and fast foods full of condiments and unhealthy. To see which is the plan checked so that any naturally skinny man can finally increase muscle mass, please click here..